First of all, I would like to thank the organizers of the Conference for the opportunity they offer the bearers of the various cardiac devices to carry out, at least as far as the Association that I have the honor of chairing, what the simple application of a cardiac device entails, not both from the physical point of view and, above all, from the psychological point of view.
Certainly it is much more responsive to the canons of medicine to research, study and apply ever more effective systems for maintaining physical health, as is equally deserving the search for the best professionalism of the employees in the application of various technological aids.
Therefore I consider it appropriate to argue that the search for the most suitable means to face the défaillances of the human body is no less correct, as well as to refine the techniques for their application.
However, the presence of the individual must not be neglected: the means and their application must take into account the destination.
Furthermore, I do not know if in every health complex the psychological support for cardiac operations is provided, certainly no one has attested to having had the opportunity to use them: the result is checked, the full adherence of the product is verified and the appropriate application of the technique, but attention is not expected to be reserved for the patient.
And yet it is, in the majority, individuals who, in an unpredictable moment, first warned that their physicist was reporting faults, then they learned of the need to undergo cardiac surgery and therefore found themselves, still alive, but surely with new and unexpected existential problems.
A real cataclysm invests the individual: the life faced in its 360 degrees is materially reduced in every manifestation.
Psychologically, after an initial refusal, it relies on the affections, morals, and expectations of others.
Every pretext, every pretext is considered vital to offer the right motivations to look to the future.
It is important not to isolate yourself because loneliness involves the conviction of the uselessness of oneself and therefore also that of letting go.
We need to react, we need to talk among individuals who have the same problem, but not to talk about the problem, but to still feel valid and available to others for any form of support.
In fact, these are the founding principles of our Association.
The statute is, from this point of view, very explanatory, because, in the variety of aims to be pursued, the spirit of relating to others stands out, precisely to overcome the difficulties, not only material, but above all spiritual.
And precisely for this task, for its fulfillment, our Association aims to make itself more evident because its recognition determines the health authorities to pay proper attention to the problems of the carriers of apparatus and make sure that the psychological aspect is kept in the due consideration, in order to establish a continuous and direct line between the associates and the health experts for the problems that arise, with various facets, for the carriers of the implantable cardiac devices.
It is necessary to know that, outside of its own associative context, there is a specialist willing to listen and therefore to provide suitable measures to overcome moments of crisis.
This is the help I ask and I am sure I will not be ignored.
Date 24 September 2011
The President
Ciro Carlo Lomastro